SE Pic
  • Welcome to the Special Education Department!

    The vision of Special Education Programs and Services in Kalamazoo Public Schools is to enable and empower our students with special needs to develop to their maximum potential in their school and community.

    Our Mission 

    Ensure that students with disabilities are provided access to the general education curriculum and extra -curricular activities in the regular education setting to the maximum extent possible with assistive supports 

    Ensure the participation of all students with disabilities in state, school system, or alternative assessments 

    Ensure compliance with state and federal regulations regarding students' annual IEP reviews, re-evaluation procedures, and periodic program updates 

    Using state and federal guidelines to maintain timely procedures for the identification processes for students suspected of having disabilities 

    Promote collaborative practices across educational settings between regular staff, special educators and related service providers

    Maintain a constant effort towards continued staff development on current educational trends and educational issues

    Support and facilitate parent involvement/participation in the special education process 

    Ensure participation in and dissemination of information concerning the transition process for students with disabilities and their parents 


    Students who reside within KPS and who are determined eligible to receive specialized instruction or related services through the evaluation and IEP team process are provided services across a continuum of settings in order to meet their unique educational needs. Programs and services are provided throughout the district and in a variety of schools. In addition to services provided within our district, KPS works in colaboration with the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency (KRESA) to coordinate services and programming in order to meet the needs of our students who experience more complex learning and behavioral needs. The following Programs and services are available to students within our district. 



    • Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    • Behavioral
    • Resource

    Related Services

    • Nursing
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • School Social Work
    • Speech and Language Therapy
    • Teacher Consultant Services



  • Student Services/Special Education

    1220 Howard St.
    Kalamazoo, MI 49008

    (269) 337-0161

  • Special Education Administrators


    Rikki Saunders

    Elementary Coordinator

    Dr. April Enicks

    Secondary Coordinator

    Anthony Barnes

    Administrative Assistants

    Mindi Miller

    Keela Hemphill

    Lori Talbott

    Diana Beller

    Kristin Ghiringhelli

    Laura Alsup

    Janice Garneau