Notification Regarding Staff Qualifications

  • Under federal law, parents have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers and the qualifications of any paraprofessionals who provide services to their children. Parents may request and receive information about: (a) whether the teacher is state-certified, (b) whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or another provisional status, and (c) the baccalaureate major of the teacher and any other graduate degree or certification. Parents may request information on the level of achievement of their child in each of the state academic assessments.

    If a student attending a school that receives any Title I, Part A funds is assigned to, or taught, for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified, the school must provide timely notice to the student’s parents. Any inquiries should be directed to:

    Human Resources
    1220 Howard St.
    Kalamazoo, MI 49008

    (269) 337-0100

    Title VI protects people from discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Kalamazoo Public Schools operates in a non-discriminatory manner including, but not limited to, admissions, academic programs, student treatment and services, counseling and guidance, discipline, classroom assignment, grading, vocational education, recreation, physical education, and athletics. Any complaints or concerns regarding Title VI should be reported to:

    Section 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It applies to all persons with disabilities regardless of age. It is an anti-discrimination, civil rights statute that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non-disabled are met. Section 504 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Students are not to be excluded solely by reason of their disability or be subject to discrimination. All students with an Individual Educational Plan are protected under Section 504. Section 504’s definition of disability is a broad definition that also protects students who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or has a record of such impairment or is regarded as having such an impairment. Major life activities include physical, mental, self-care, learning, reading, communicating, and thinking. Any complaints or concerns regarding Section 504 should be reported to:

    Barry Smith, Coordinator of Student Services

    Kalamazoo Public Schools
    1220 Howard St.
    Kalamazoo, MI 49008

    (269) 337-0161

    Title II provides grants to school districts to increase student achievement through teacher and administrator training. Kalamazoo Public Schools provides high quality training to assist teachers and administrators in many different areas to improve achievement for all students. Any complaints or concerns regarding Title II should be reported to:

    Geoff Howe, Director of School Improvement, Title I, and Assessments

    Kalamazoo Public Schools
    1220 Howard St. 
    Kalamazoo, MI 49008

    (269) 337 - 0065