• Where is the parent survey link?

  • Will high school students wipe their desks and get to their next class on time? And how can they be assured that their next class has had the desks wiped?

  • If KPS remain fully virtual can outdoor activities be held on the school grounds in the spring as long as safety measures are in place?

  • If KPS remains virtual will you allow more students to go to Learning Hubs?

  • Will temperatures be taken of all students when they get on the bus or when they enter the school?

  • How will lunch be served? If they go to the cafeteria will they go through the line to pick their meal items? Can my child bring their lunch?

  • Will Calvert Learning continue next year?

  • Will schools still be operating on their previous school day hours and schedules?

  • Will learning hubs continue if KPS moves to the hybrid model?

  • Will masks be provided for students who don't have them?

  • Will meals still be provided for students on the days they are not in school? And will meals be provided for students in the fully-virtual options?

  • The Governor has indicated she would like all schools to return to some kind of in-person instruction by March 1. If KPS remains virtual, is there a risk that we could lose some state funding for the schools?

  • Can KPS just take a break? Considering the new variant and research that says this variant is more transmittable, and significantly more dangerous for children, why can’t we end the school year on March 12 then start back up the week after July 4th? July and August and some of September can be finishing up curriculum from this year and then start on curriculum for next year in September.

  • Why does the hybrid option not include instruction on the 2-3 days our children are at home? Why can't they “watch” class from home so there is still some structure, routine and instruction on those days. Galesburg schools have implemented a hybrid schedule that allows the children learning from home to watch the in-person lessons. How would our students remain engaged and moving forward when they would only be getting instruction 2 days out of the week under the Hybrid option?

  • For the hybrid option, how will the students be divided up for each days? Will it be by the alphabet or by demographics?