Shelf Stable Milk

  • Dear KPS Families,
    We want to provide clarification on our current milk situation. Due to packaging and labor restraints, our local milk vendor is able to produce/package only shelf-stable milk for the next four to eight weeks. Just like chilled dairy milk, shelf-stable milk is 100 percent Grade A milk procured from local dairies. 
    The extended shelf-life results from two processes: the ultra-high temperature pasteurization process and packaging in an air-tight aseptic container. The combination of the two elements makes the milk shelf-stable, meaning it can be stored at room temperature for six months, if unopened. You can learn more about the process in this video.
    With that said, we (and the rest of the region that uses the same vendor) have been getting complaints that the white milk is chunky. We reassure you, THE MILK IS NOT EXPIRED and is perfectly safe, but obviously no one wants to drink chunky milk. We have been communicating with Prairie Farms to come up with solutions. Schools will still be serving chocolate milk, but some may not have white milk to offer. We are working on providing bottled water as another option during this time. Again, we are working on solutions as we speak!. 
    Thank you for your patience while we figure this out! 
    Best regards,

    KPS Dining Services Management Team
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